By Brad 5-21-2014 updated 5-29-2014 posted 5-29-2014
Several years ago, I believe I became aware that in real life, there is a rule that once a person says something, they can't take it back. Maybe it was just me explaining this to myself, or maybe a force called The Commonality explained this to me, but either way, looking at the goings on in the mass media these days, it seems to be very true that no words can ever be taken back. It also seems to be true that apologizing for saying something doesn't help in real life, though this is not to say that I have ever felt like apologizing for anything I have said on my webpages. As a consequence of this rule that no words can be taken back, I realized that if I posted something on my webpage in the future, I should never take it down unless it could pose a danger to me or seriously compromise my privacy. Therefore I decided that if I no longer fully agree with something I wrote or I question the quality of the writing, or if I think that what I said might be too controversial, then I may move those writings to another page on the website and/or write something else saying that I now don't fully agree with what I wrote and why. Finally, I was also thinking that I might need to find a better way to make changes to things that I wrote while preserving the originals.
Why Opposites Universe May or May Not Be Real:
By Brad 5-21-2014 updated 5-29-2014 posted 5-29-2014
I am not saying that I have disproved my theory of Opposites Universe, I am just saying that the explanation that other people as well as the media and textbooks have lied to me and told me the opposite of the truth about many things from an early age, may be a better explanation than suggesting that the universe itself is to blame. Indeed it sometimes seems the younger kids are, the more likely adults will lie to them. Case in point, the Tooth Fairy. Yet clearly my experience shows that these lies continue into early adulthood as well, in the form of feel-good propaganda about America supposedly being a perfect democracy. I really do think that America's elite set me up to fail by promising things like inalienable rights. As for the issue of me being the only one who seems to be affected negatively by the propaganda, look at it this way. On standardized tests, I sometimes scored in the 99 percentile. This means that perhaps only 1% of people learned as much of the subject matter as I did. I don't know the exact raw score distributions, but this could also mean that I learned 10 to 20 times as much of the subject matter in school as the average student. Of course much of this subject matter especially in social studies may have been propaganda. The point here is that to begin with only 1% of the population at most learned as much propaganda as I did, and in fact if most other people were told to disregard the propaganda then it could easily be the case that only 1 in 10,000 people were affected by the propaganda as much as I was. Yes, this does seem far fetched, but remember, I am the exception not the rule. No one is really "supposed" to learn that much in middle school and high school and take it so seriously the way I did.
The Theory of Living In My Opposites Universe
By Brad 4-28-2014
In The Odyssey, Fractal said the following about Brad: "He was the only other person I've known to be interested in the big questions. We created whole theories about reality." Interestingly, my name is also Brad and unlike most other people, I have also been interested in the nature of reality from an early age.
When I was a young kid, long before I had gotten a chance to watch The Odyssey and even before it was made, I began to believe that I was destined for greatness. After learning much about science, and even teaching myself how to program my home computer, I could see clearly that I could understand any kind of advanced conceptual idea much better than pretty much anyone I knew, and even better than most adults. I studied and worked hard, believing that the knowledge I was being given by my teachers would have great value some day, and that America was a great democracy. In second grade I had a friend and possibly some acquaintances. But as I focused more on my studies, I became alienated from the other kids. I wanted friends more and more but had less and less knowledge about how to make friends, because after all, the process of making friends is almost antithetical to logical academic thought. Over time, I learned much more than the other kids, but then the system began to change on me. Teachers began to demand the production of more and more tedious homework, and in high school, they began manipulating the test grades of the other kids upwards to make it look like they had learned when they did not. This process was called "grading on a curve". Distraught by not having any friends, and not fully realizing that the purpose of school was now to do homework, not to learn things, I began to find myself burning out. I did make it through high school with very good SAT scores and the highest scores possible on proficiency tests, but then quickly failed in college because of my burnout. The rest is a long sordid story, but suffice it to say that today, many years later, I find myself still without friends, and without the rights that I was promised by my textbooks to be inalienable. Add to this the fact that nothing taught to me during my 13+ years of publicly funded schooling is considered relevant by potential employers, and we can see that I am essentially not allowed to make a living.
How can all this be, you may ask? Well for one I can say that no one acted like they saw it coming. Teachers and parents pushed and pushed and no one, not even doctors thought it would be a problem for me that I didn't have any friends. Little could they know how much pain I had felt from being completely excluded socially for so long. And now today, no one seems to get it. They don't realize how they tortured me for all those years and how they taught me things which they said were valuable but which turn out to be worthless in real life. And of course nowadays, rather than a Democracy, we can see the emergence of a totalitarian state where many people are imprisoned or have many of their rights taken away for life. We can even see the emergence of a "Thought Police" like in the novel 1984. I learned in school and never used drugs, but now other people might as well consider me to be a retard, since they don't care about anything I know.
So again, how can this be? Is it the case that public school is a vast conspiracy for brainwashing its victims with patriotism and false hopes of freedom and democracy while in actuality serving to hurt people who are different through lies and ostracization so much that they are reduced to a social underclass? Well, in my parent's and grandparent's days, this may have not been entirely the case, but more recently it most certainly is the case. But could there be something more at play here? For instance, why would school teach the exact opposite of the truth about the nature of our society? Why would they say we have inalienable rights when this is a blatant lie? Why would they say that this is the land of rugged individualism and pretend that social relationships don't matter, when in fact they are at least as important as academics for determining future success? And lastly, why would they say "knowledge is power" when the knowledge they are giving out is worthless to potential employers? Either there is a vast conspiracy to tell the opposite of the truth about everything of importance in life, and most everyone but me was aware of this conspiracy at the time so they could avoid the detrimental consequences, or there is something up with the nature of the universe itself.
Enter my theory of the "Opposites Universe", which is based on a combination of the concept of the "Many Worlds Theory" of the Quantum Multiverse combined with the idea that conscious beliefs cause wave functions to collapse. In this theory, every time a person happens to believe something, their belief causes quantum wave functions to collapse thereby making sure that the person must live in a universe where the opposite of what they believed is what is true. For example, when I began to believe the propaganda growing up that America was a democracy, I was sent into a universe where America would become increasingly undemocratic and totalitarian. When I believed knowledge is power, I was sent into a universe where school knowledge was worthless. However, the universe doesn't just oppose beliefs, it also opposes wants. When I began to want friendship and future success, I was sent into a universe where I would be denied these things.
To some degree then, it would seem that I can control the universe I am in with my thoughts. All I would have to do is believe the opposite of what I want to be true or to believe I want the opposite of what I really want, and then things would in theory turn out well for me. However, I have some evidence that my recent efforts at this have not been successful. To the contrary, the world is coming closer and closer to my earlier prediction I made a few years ago, that everyone else who did not learn in school would eventually become a millionaire, while I would become poorer and poorer because I had learned in school but had not been able to make friends. Perhaps it is my becoming aware of the principle of the opposites universe that has led to a decrease in the probability of the act of my believing something causing the opposite to occur. At the same time I have seen a decrease in the universe changing to oppose my every belief, I have seen a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of what I call "Unexplained Coincidental Events". Basically, these things are coincidental occurrences which take place between things in my life or things which I say out loud, and events which occur in the news or mass media. I do not know the exact nature of these coincidences only that they are things which seem very strange and out of place to me. Although I don't know if I should share the coincidences I see with my life, there are certain famous coincidences that can be easily seen by many people. For example, the fact that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died 50 years to the day after the signing of the declaration of independence is an unexplainable coincidence. It is my hypothesis that these coincidences are yet another macroscopic manifestation of the complexity of the nanoscopic quantum multiverse.
Below is a diagram I have made which illustrates the quantum effects I am experiencing as my life progresses. You can see that in the early years of my life, the probability of my beliefs causing the universe to change in an opposing manner, as indicated by the green curve, was the highest. It was in these early years that I had many hopes of future success in a land that was supposedly a democracy. These were the things that were most strongly opposed by the universe changing. Then over time, possibly as I begin to notice that the universe changes in response to thoughts, the universe then begins to change less and less as a result of my thoughts. By now, I am essentially locked into a universe where the opposite of what I had believed and wanted from an early age is what I have to deal with. Theoretically, from now on, the universe will change only very slightly over time to oppose my beliefs. In addition there is also a red curve, which indicates the probability of "unexplainable coincidences" occurring. The yellow shaded area merely indicates where the green and red curves overlap. In fact, my theory states that these curves should be exponential in nature. In other words, it may be the case that when I was at the age of ten, the universe changed at perhaps a 10 times greater rate in opposing my beliefs than it does now at the age of 33. Assuming the function uses an exponent of 2, the ratio would be (33^2/10^2 = 10.89). I can still change the universe I am in with my thoughts, but only at a rate one tenth as high as when I unknowingly changed my universe when I was a child. I also wanted to point out that although I am still relatively young, the fact that I am now seeing an increasing number of unexplainable coincidences may indicate that I am nearing the end of my life. However, imminent death is by no means a certainty for me. My thoughts on what to do about all of the coincidences is that I should just ignore them rather than to make lists of them or publicize them. Lastly, if the universe is not changing that much on me anymore, then I may no longer need to consider playing mind games with myself in an effort to trick the universe. Either way one thing is clear. The biggest danger comes from Big Brother and his practice of locking people away for life for very little reason. Certainly I don't believe I am committing or will commit any crimes, but will Big Brother soon find an excuse to lock up anyone he doesn't like?
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