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Illya Woloshyn and The Odyssey HOME
Page Updated 8-26-2014
intro ​updated 8-25-2014
Welcome to my fan page for The Odyssey, a television series from 1992.  My name is Brad.  I do not know Illya Woloshyn personally, but I am a fan of The Odyssey and I have some things I want to say about it. Of course I must say those things on this web page, because unfortunately, internet message boards like the ones on IMDB are heavily censored with regards to anything that goes against the standard order, and most anything I write on there ends up 'disappearing'.​

​Starting from a young age, American kids are bombarded by mostly false information about nearly everything in life, by the mass media and even by their school textbooks.  The lies they are subjected to are all-encompassing and are repeated over and over.  People on most television shows and in the movies talk and act in an opposite manner from people in real life.  They say the purpose of school is to learn, when in fact the real purpose and the only thing that actually counts is doing the homework.  Indeed, a conspiracy of academic fraud takes place in most schools, and it consists of manipulating students' test grades upwards so that most students can get away with not learning a thing. Furthermore, they say that every citizen has inalienable rights, but they will in fact take away rights from an adult for life almost at the drop of a hat.  Is it possible, or even likely that we are actually living in a totalitarian state rather than a democracy as 'they' say?​

​Enter, The Odyssey from 1992, a television show which in many ways depicts the opposite or the antithesis of the themes that most other television shows repeat over and over.  A person cannot find the truth by being presented the same thesis over and over.  It is necessary to examine the antithesis if one is to find the real truth, or synthesis.

The Odyssey is different from most television shows in several ways.  First of all, the kid actors in The Odyssey express realistic emotions, where as the kids on most other television shows often seem to appear dumb or downtrodden and act like robots.  Secondly, the characters in The Odyssey use realistic language, exhibiting a healthy degree of wit, where as characters in most other television shows use language that is either dumbed down or overly academic sounding.  Third, the 'downworld' in The Odyssey takes place in a totalitarian state, unlike the supposed democracies that most other fictional shows take place in.  And finally, where as in many other shows the main character is said to be 'the chosen one' or the 'future savior of humanity' even before that character does anything, in The Odyssey the main character is instead said to be 'the wrecker' by some of the other kids, near the beginning of the series.

​​Finally, I wanted to mention as well that the plot of The Odyssey is also more realistic than the plots of most other television shows.  For instance, after Jay (who is the main character played by Illya Woloshyn) takes down a poster and draws on it, which is happens to be a crime in the downworld, he is put on trial.  Jay then makes an impassioned plea for real justice.  But unlike in other television shows where people who make impassioned pleas are almost always let off the hook, just like in real life, no one listens to Jay's impassioned arguments for reason and he is not let off the hook, because after all he did do something they consider to be a crime.  Also in another instance in The Odyssey, Jay answers a test question correctly, but his opponent who answered the question incorrectly is chosen as the winner.  This is closer to what actually happens in real life.  In school, those who answer test questions correctly are not likely going to get the best grade, because one, homework counts as 99% of the GPA when factoring in grade manipulation, and two, because teachers may put more pressure on students who do well on tests.  Also, in adult life, there have been documented cases where people who score too high on civil service tests are typically rejected for the job because they are considered to 'brainy' for it.​

​In the future, I will be adding more commentary on The Odyssey and how it reveals the dark truths about how our society really works.  In addition, I have started work on an episode guide with pictures.
Something I want to Re-iterate:
By Brad 5-16-2014

​Finally there is one more thing I wanted to explain.  Unlike the teachings in school that there are prohibitions against unreasonable imprisonment, in reality, a person can be hauled off and sent to jail on suspicion of committing a minor traffic violation, or a person can be sent to be imprisoned in a hospital on the suspicion of a doctor or other official that they have a mental illness.  Unlike in the movies, if a person fights the police who have 'come to take them away', they will face long prison sentences, and if they have any rights left, then most of their rights as civilians will be taken away for life.  So you see, the only way to fight America's totalitarianism is through non-violence.  That is because unlike in the movies, in reality a violent act no matter how small is considered an unforgivable offense by society.  In my opinion, one of the best ways to fight totalitarianism is to expose the truth, which goes contrary to the numerous protections and inalienable rights people are falsely taught they have in school.  In other words, we have to expose the fact that we are blatantly lied to in school. Instead of teaching children to disobey laws they think are unfair, children should perhaps instead be taught to 'go willingly' and to know they may often have the right to remain silent if the police happen to come for them based on a minor suspicion.

Lastly I must also add that in real life a person is not always told if they are going to be imprisoned or kept somewhere.  "Implied Imprisoning" occurs when a guard is posted on a person but yet the person is neither told they are being kept there nor will they get an answer if they ask if they can leave or why the guard is there.  Although "implied imprisoning" should be illegal, the authorities are "always right" and a person just has to "guestimate" that they are being kept there. Things like "Implied Imprisoning" and the taking away of rights for life are never taught in school because it would spoil the illusion they are trying to give that you are living in a "perfect system".
The Truth About My Life and Why School is Worse Than Prison:
By Brad 5-28-2014
At present, I have no friends in real life.  The idea of friendship puzzles me as I do not understand why almost everyone else has friends and I do not.  It is true that other people are sometimes willing to talk to me online for instance, but they do not really want to be my friend in real life.  It has been this way for most of my life, except for perhaps two particular times.  During early grade school, I had one friend.  However I had no friends in high school.  Ironically, the time in my life that other people were most friendly to me was when I went to prison.

​In prison other people actually wanted to be my friend, unlike in real life.  The other inmates actually wanted to talk to me and walk places with me and even eat meals with me.  This is in stark contrast to high school where I was essentially ostracized.  There were a few bullies on occasion but these people comprised less than 1% of the prison population.  99% of the other prisoners were very friendly to me as well as being nonthreatening.  Indeed, I feel that the other prisoners treated me as a true equal, unlike the kids in school who treated me as inferior even though my test scores were much higher than theirs.  But my social relationship with the other prisoners went deeper in some ways than one might expect.  For instance, some of the other inmates had 'sensed' that it had been a desire of mine to be a great leader, and so they would salute me in a friendly manner and call me "Mr. president".  It is hard to explain exactly but they did this in a friendly manner and were not trying to mock me.  In fact when it was time for me to go home, the other inmates presented me a gift, which was a handkerchief with a drawing of the Enterprise from the original Star Trek on it, and which many of the people in the 'house' which I was in had put their names on.  

Also, I wanted to say that in prison I discovered rock and roll, alternative, and heavy metal music, and had bought about 25 cassette tapes from the other inmates, where as in school I had never thought such things as music were of any importance.  Ultimately, I will never forget how friendly the other inmates were to me, and I have to credit a degree of luck as well as what I had learned about social interaction from watching The Odyssey.  Unfortunately, I sort of doubt that any relative strangers will likely ever be that friendly to me again, and I really don't know why.  Lastly I wanted to say that as another example of why school is worse than prison, at least in prison they don't try to indoctrinate you with false promises of freedom and opportunity for all.
Reasons Why People Are Bullied and How to Stop It:
11-17-2013 added 8-26-2014
Let’s face it, most kids who are bullied are bullied because they are different, often for various negative reasons.  The mass media repeatedly says that "people who are different are beautiful to other people" but frankly this is the opposite of the truth.  Furthermore, many kids may be bullied because their way of thinking is flawed.  for instance, perhaps they believe the falsehood that "knowledge is power" and they have become complacent thinking that all they have to ever do in life to succeed is learn what they are being taught in school.  In addition, many kids may be bullied because they emulate the wacky behavior of characters on popular television shows, without realizing that such behavior is a form of comedic sarcasm but is not meant to be emulated seriously.  You see, understanding things like sarcasm comes from experience with real people, not from watching the highly scripted and censored mass media programming.  Furthermore, kids who are complacent about society and its motives and emulate the characters on most television programs will be labeled goofballs by their peers.  In fact such kids may not even respond to someone who says "hi" to them, since characters on most television shows do not usually say "hi" back to each other either.  Naturally, a kid who acts or talks like the goofballs on television and doesn't even respond to others greetings is going to likely be bullied.

​So what is a kid who is bullied to do?  Some people say that these kids have to toughen up and fight back.  However, this is not always easy for someone who is not physically strong.  But even if a kid could "toughen up", it would certainly not help for the kid to beat up or even stab everyone who bullies them.  This would only land the kid in police custody.  Another possible way for the kid to prevent others from bullying him or her would be to change their differences so that others perceive them as being the same as them.  But not all differences can be easily changed.  In fact, It is not necessary for a kid to become exactly the same as other people to not be bullied, and becoming exactly the same as other people would not be possible for many who are being bullied anyway.  In fact, the key to stopping bullying of oneself is for a person to change their way of thinking.  A person must become aware of the principle of the antithesis.  In other words, a person must realize that the media usually tells the opposite of the truth, and that characters on most popular T.V. shows act and talk in an almost opposite fashion from people in real life.  To be specific, the media tells the opposite of the truth when it espouses the propaganda in various forms that says that "being different is beautiful to others" and "knowledge equates directly to power".  And people on television act in an opposite fashion from people in real life when they don't respond to greetings or when they use words like "ridiculous".  And although it is true that characters on television seem to make fun of themselves, most people know these characters are not real and people should not make fun of themselves in real life.  When a person casts off their complacency, and begins to understand the principle of the antithesis, they will become mentally tougher and other people will begin to recognize this toughness.  If a person is seen as mentally tough, they will not have to use violence to try to stop bullying.  Instead, they will learn how to properly greet others, and how to properly act and talk, which is opposite from what is shown on most television shows.

Considering all these things, it would be hard to know what a kid who is being bullied is a victim of.  Are they a victim of certain other kids who do the bullying? are they a victim of the mass media who makes bogus claims that "differences are beautiful to people"? are they a victim of school which often gives the harmful message that learning things is all that will ever matter, even while they secretly manipulate upwards the test grades of students who don't learn?  Or are they a victim of popular television, who's characters don't greet each other properly, or act properly or show emotion properly in almost any respect?  Ultimately though, it may be the fault of most of society for withholding knowledge of the "antithesis principle" to protect their own hides.  One thing is clear however, many of those who are bullied will have their future chances for success permanently harmed due to the resultant delayed development of social skills.  It may possibly be the case in some instances that once people in society start bullying someone, they will only quit after that person's life is ruined permanently.  However this may be true only because some people will not realize that society is lying about nearly everything in accordance with the antithesis principle until their life is permanently ruined, because only then would they know for sure that all the propaganda praising the American system is false.

For more information about what I call the "antithesis principle" in which the mass media and most of society usually tell the opposite of the truth, please visit ILLYAWOLOSHYN.COM.

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